Maya 2012. 5. 6. 02:05

Maya 튜토 in 유튜브.

유튜브에 있는 Maya 강좌들.

게시물하나 정리해서 올리는것도 만만찮게 귀찮은데 이렇게 올리시는 분들은

참 대단하신분들인것 같다.!!

'Maya' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Maya 2012. 5. 3. 19:51

ak_rgbMatteTool.mel 패스를 뽑아주는 기능.

Maya 2009버젼입니다. 테스트해보진 않았으나 유용한것 같습니다.

This is the tool I created for easy assignment of RGB Mattes for the objects in the scene during the maya render process.For those who havn’t used RGB matte passes in render, RGB matte passes help in extracting individual 3d elements from a maya scene render containing multiple objects. This handy tool helps in creating mattes for ambient, diffuse, Incandescence, and reflect channels with the click of a button.

The usage of the script is as follows
source ak_rgbMatteTool.mel;

you can download the script here

'Maya' 카테고리의 다른 글

Maya to max (FBX)  (2) 2012.07.11
Maya의 예제파일.  (0) 2012.05.07
Maya 튜토 in 유튜브.  (0) 2012.05.06
Render pass.  (0) 2012.05.03
Maya에서 realflow플러그인 설치방법.  (0) 2011.05.19
Maya 2012. 5. 3. 19:48

Render pass.

R, G, B pass.

Maya 랜더패스셋팅.

패스의 종류를 한눈에 볼수있는 곳.

A. Diffuse pass. Rendered with Lambert material and only the directional light active

B. Indirect pass. Rendered with Lambert material and Hdri + Final gather

C. SSS back pass. SSS shader broken into pieces. This showing only the bottom layer.

D. SSS subdermal pass. Middle layer of the SSS shader.

E. SSS epidermal pass. Final SSS layer. This layer is on top of the other SSS layers.

F. Color pass. Only flat color. You can achieve this by using a surface shader.

G. Specular pass.

H. Reflection pass. Use in combination with the facing ratio pass (I) to get nice subtle reflections

I. Facing ratio pass. Highlights everything on your model that’s facing away from the camera. Can be used in combination 

with several other passes.

J. AO pass. Ambient occlusion to get shadow in difficult places. And more contact against the ground.

L. Depth pass. Based on the luminance of the image you can fake a DOF effect in post.

M. Normal pass. A very cool pass that can be used to relight your model in post.


'Maya' 카테고리의 다른 글

Maya to max (FBX)  (2) 2012.07.11
Maya의 예제파일.  (0) 2012.05.07
Maya 튜토 in 유튜브.  (0) 2012.05.06
ak_rgbMatteTool.mel 패스를 뽑아주는 기능.  (0) 2012.05.03
Maya에서 realflow플러그인 설치방법.  (0) 2011.05.19
중요/중요사이트 2012. 5. 2. 10:52

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